it’s time to recalibrate.

It’s time to leverage your energy to create bigger results.

You’re leaving profit on the table….and you’re burning yourself out doing it. Let’s change that.

Let’s change that

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What I can do for you

Need a custom solution?

Book to Booked

Turn your signature talk into a book that consistently fills your client pipeline.

There’s a lot of people who can help you write and publish a book – I’m the only one who can help you create a book and a marketing strategy that fills your 1:1 or group program.


Sacred Launch Experience

What if your launch could be profitable + easy?

Launches shouldn’t wear you out.

VIP Launch Experience

In one day, receive the launch plan most aligned for you + your energy.

Launches are my jam – seriously. I’ve built my career on crafting successful launches for businesses of all sizes – whether it’s a mini product, or a group program that sustains your entire income.

In these VIP experiences, we’ll plan out an aligned launch plan for you that can create profitable and obtainable results for you with ease.

Pivot Sessions

In the midst of change? Let’s anchor it in.

You’re evolving – but is your business?

Grab this 90 minute session to dig deep into your energy, look at the foundation of your business, and craft a plan to generate profits now …while also feeling good moving forward.

Want to go solo?

Not ready to go 1:1? Grab some of my top experiences.

Grab some self-guided guidance to help you align your energy + create marketing that manifests™.

the quantum selling experience

Hint: This is one of my favorite offers – ever.

In this six day recorded experience, you’ll discover how to experience the most magnetic sales you’ve ever had, without any stress, hustle, or overwhelm. Use these meditations again and again to quantum shift your sales.

the client prescription

Hint – this is my next favorite offer.

If you need help attracting the right clients, this is the offer for you – it’ll help you in everything from attraction to launching.

(Sorry, new sales page coming soon!)

$25K with Human design

Learn how to use simple Human Design aligned shifts to create money magic in your business fast.

recode her retreat

Use these powerful replays to recode the energy of your business and quantum write your next successes.

new year quantum flow
0h 54m

Release stagnant patterns, and recode your prosperity with this quantum experience.

new year money Mojo
0h 59m

Break up with your money drama and magnetize yourself to receiving more money than ever before.

Soul of your business meditation bundle

Grab five powerful meditations that allow you to work with the energy of your business.

Akashic writing meditation bundle

(Psst: This is a secret for now!)


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